Oh I envy the Green Thumbs who seem to have a way with flowering plants such as dahlias, peonies, and heirloom roses. I’ve never had much luck with the tricky varieties and yes, I have tried—for the last 20 years. Many hours and dollars went to planting the imagined border gardens I filled with persnickety blooms only to be lost to fungus, pests, or a week away without water. A prolific garden shows dedication, determination, education, a lot of trial and error, and just a bit of luck. Despite my attempts to grow what I consider fancy plants, I have found a few tried-and-true flowering perennials that seem to get along with me. I love these choices for their profusion of flowers and their forgiving nature. Whether you are a pro or a frustrated gardener, this list has proven practically fail proof for me. Good Luck!
1. Butterfly Bush, Buddleia (pictured above, left) 2. French Hydrangea (not shown) Hydrangea macrophylla (Don’t forget our native Oak Leaf Hydrangea!) 3. Black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia (not shown) 4. Gardenia, Gardenia jasminoides (pictured above, right) 5. Knock Out Roses (not shown) (single and double blooms)
6. Mexican Sunflower Tithonia rotundifolia (above, left) 7. Echinacea / Coneflower Asteraceae (above, right)
8. Hosta (all varieties) I love to mix the varigated leaves with dark and light varieties. (above)
9. Sedum, Autumn Joy (above, left) 10. Lantana, Verbenaceae (above, right)
Cathy Still McGowin