Architectural details are especially important when building a new home into a storied neighborhood like Homewood. For Whitney and JJ Thomas’s cottage, designer Jessica Conner inserted style, texture, craftsman details, and super-smart functionality into every nook and cranny. “They didn’t want a cookie cutter house, but they also didn’t want their house look out of place,” Jessica says. “They loved the Arts & Crafts bungalow style but were looking for a fresh, modern take on it.”

“Bringing a designer in during the floorplan stage is crucial. It’s a lot easier to make a change before construction than to stand in a space and realize something doesn’t work. You can also add some interesting design elements during the planning stages and have those priced in the bid rather than adding them later and finding yourself over budget.” — Jessica Conner

Jessica Conner
Before we started buying anything for the interiors, I made a furniture plan and went room by room with a spreadsheet of each item we needed, down to the throw blankets and curtain rings. I created an allowance for each item so I could make sure the grand total did not exceed the budget. This helped us stay focused while shopping. I updated the spreadsheet as we made selections, and because we started early, we were able to wait for sales on some items. At the end, we were a couple thousand dollars under budget!
Architect: KYLEStudio, 205.965.6777 Interior design and elevations, cabinetry and millwork design: Jessica Conner, jessicaconner.com Builder: Saunders Bradford, saundersbradford.com Custom front door: Webb Concrete & Building Materials, webbconcrete.com Cabinets: Hamm’s Custom Wood Products, 205.229.1839 Countertops: CR Home Alabama, 205.943.0680 Hardware: Brandino Brass, brandinobrass.com Plumbing and appliances: Southern Bath & Kitchen, southernbathandkitchen.com Doors and windows: Webb Concrete & Building Materials Dining room chandelier: Mayer Lighting, mayerlighting.com Sofa, chair in master, ottoman in living room: Barnett Furniture, barnettfurniture.com Kitchen rugs: Hazel House Collective, 205.908.7755